Tuesday, January 8, 2013

6 Months in Pictures

I don't think I can begin to catch up on all that has happened in the last six months. I will try to mention the big things and then you can enjoy some fun photo documentation of our work and play.

In August Chance turned 2, and 2 he is in every way that matters. In September Mikelle started pre-school at Haines Elementary. She loves it, loves her teacher and is really learning a lot. In October we went to Lake Tahoe for a week for a Remington family reunion. It was more than fun and it was long overdue. October also brought a fun Halloween that both of the kids enjoyed. We also moved from our little house in Wingville to our current house in Haines. It is just right for us so far and we are closer to Danny's parents and work and back in the ward that we missed. In November I turned 30, there is not much else to say about that...sigh. My sisters Anna and Mary and their families spent Thanksgiving with us. We had a great time decorating for Christmas, eating good food and watching our husbands do lots of manly things like hunting and trapping. In December we bought 11 cows from Audrae Schreeck and are leasing some land from her. It is working out really well so far and we are excited about this first big step. December was also the first Christmas where both kids seemed to know what was going on. Mikelle was able to grasp the story of the birth of Jesus, the star and the wise men. They both got excited about Santa and were very excited Christmas morning. Danny's trapping and Coyote hunting have been in full swing since November and he is also a volunteer fireman for the North Powder fire dept. Needless to say his free time is non-existent...another sigh. I have kept up doing a couple of Pampered chef parties a month and really enjoy that. It helped a lot at Christmas.

This year threatens to be a busy one but we are looking forward to it in a lot of ways
Chance is getting some help blowing out his birthday candles.
Grandma and Grandpa Kerns brought some puppets over for Chance's B-day

Daddy got Chance a big red tractor that he slept with for weeks

He also got a race track to keep him and his little cars busy.

We went to the Boise zoo for both their summer birthdays.  Despite Danny's face
we really had a lot of fun.

Even though there were a lot of these little seats they had to sit on the same one.

The tiger was one of the few animals that moved much that day.

Mikelle graciously put up with a photo shoot on her first day fo pre-school

This is Mikelle's school.  She is just coming out the doors with her purple backpack

Trying out Daddy's firefighter hard hat in the dark car.

For a few days in the row Chance wore this crown insisting this is the right
way to wear it.

Wearing some of momy's aprons while helping to make a pumpkin roll.

We had a lot of nice rain this fall and lots of rainbows.  This one in particular had
Chance mesmorized.  He stared at it off and on for hours.

This is Mikelle's "cheese" face.

Killing time in Cabelas after we went to the Boise Temple Open House.

Horsing around while daddy buys another gun.

We could not have gotten our winter supply of fire wood without Chance's strong arms

He is a good hard worker just like his daddy.

Lake Tahoe.  We had beautiful weather for October.
Beautiful view and a beautiful little girl

We went to see the salmon run and they had a tunnel built along the creek
so you can see under the water.  This is cousin Max, Chance and Mikelle.

We had a fall festival at the reunion.  All the kids dressed up and we played games
and even went trick o' treating from bedroom to bedroom.

Mikelle is racing her cousin kayla in a doughnut eating contest.

We even got some beach time in.  The little kids loved playing in the sand.
This is Max and Chance.

One quick "cheese" before we went trick o' treating on Main Street.

Playing on the rope swings in the hay shed is a new favorite activity.

They can play outside without getting too cold.

We have since added some boards so they are more comfortable to sit on.

Mikelle is very brave and really likes to go high.
Our first of many snow men this year.

It took some convincing and some cold hands to get Chance to keep his
mittens on.

Mikelle is just getting snow angels figured out.

Love him.

Rosey cheeked angel.

Our mini snow man.  Mikelle would check on him every morning until a
bad windstorm blew him away.  Sad day.

Making Christmas ornaments.
We painted popsicle sticks and glued them to look like snow flakes. They wanted to repeat this activity a lot.

Mikelle is all dressed up for her class Christmas program.  Chance is also wearing her shoes.

Mikelle is on the front row on the far right.

Just before this rudolph song she just sat down and took a break in the middle
of one of the songs, I couldn't stop laughing.

A rudolph nose and a mouth full of cookies. 

Christmas morning finally came and Chance got a lion and Mikelle an elephant.
Suprisingly they love them and sleep with them each night.

One of Chance's favorite gifts was a car wash that Aunt Kelly found for him. He is
also wearing his new red boots

Mikelle is finally able to remove all the wrapping paper herself.

She was very excited about a barbie from Aunt Ruth with vintage clothes (okay
maybe I am the one excited about the vintage clothes)

After a long Christmas day they had a nice bath and finished with their new towels.
Mikelle insists that she is a rinoceros not a flower, so she can growl like Chance's shark.